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What you need to know - the important bits

Booking a session will give you access to your first introductory counselling by email session (once we have completed a little admin), plus and introductory guide and working agreement/schedule.


During email counselling you will exchange secure confidential emails with me, a qualified counsellor.


Unlike other forms of counselling we will not see or hear each other  - this can be a liberating experience, especially if you are a little anxious or nervous about the process. Writing down thoughts and feelings can be easier for some, and more convenient for others. By using this process we will agree a weekly day and time for you to send your email - although you will have time to prepare the email in advance if you wish. This flexibility, when lives are increasingly busy, can mean a greater access to therapeutic support. You can find more information on this website and blog pages.


My fees represent my commitment to a professional service to you, a dedicated secure email service, professional membership fees, office space and continued professional development plus my experience of over 5 years in this field. These fees allow me to dedicate individual time to the responses I give to you.


YES - there will be additional paperwork however, it's all included and part of the introductory session. This allows me to make sure that I safeguard your privacy but also put in place a system that allows me to best help you. Once this is complete you are welcome to send your first 'proper' email to me. I will guide you through this. It's more straightforward than you may think.


After contacting me using the online form (link below) I will email you details on how to set up your own secure email, and information on how to complete our working agreement (you'll know what to expect from me and what I will require from you in return). Once this is complete I will then send you a guide to our first session with a few pointers to help along the way. 


Generally my clients send me their counselling email by midnight Sunday (an easy day for most to remember) and I will respond within 2 working days.


The price for an email counselling session is £75. This is payable before we begin our work. I will send a payment link in our correspondence. 

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